cultural difference in dating pools

I have recently moved back to my homeland – Taiwan. I must say the dating app experience is vastly different from my experience in London.


People are even more passive. The photos that are shown in profiles are either an extreme long shot of a tiny human or the back of someone. Perhaps using dating apps is still frown upon on? Or are people simply too shy and mysterious?


One thing that is interesting is that there are quite a lot of people looking for language exchange on those apps. Those people would list out the languages they speak. How hard-working hehe..


I have been back for nearly 3 weeks now and still haven’t met any person from the app irl. I wonder if the day would come or not? Let’s see




a handful of personal no-nos in one date

Let’s talk about dating no-nos. Please know that these are my personal no-nos and who know someone might find them to be endearing and adorable.


  • the persistent nagger

While it is appreciated to have the other person to take initiative because let’s be honest who doesn’t like to be wooed. But there’s a huge difference between assertive and persistent when asking someone out. Sometimes we just don’t feel like going out or else. It can be anything really. The early stages of dating especially during messages exchange period, it is just too easy to fall apart. We have too many choices and too little patience and energy to keep giving second chances to someone we hardly know.

story time: I went on a date with a girl once. We shall call her Lady X here. Despite her initial claim of looking for fun, she turned out to be wanting for more. Lady X got really intense and needy after one date and just couldn’t get the hint of rejection. She kept on asking me out after I kindly told her I had other plans on the purposed dates. I too was too much of a coward to give out clear and stone cold rejections, but in my defence I assume people our age would be experienced enough to take the hint. (fyi she is 10 years older than me). This horrific dating experience reminded me of a thing a wise and seasoned lesbian once said to me “be careful out there, people can be weird and not truthful”. I must say I was rather spoiled with my good/not bad dating experience with sensible people and forgot that people can surprise you (in a not pleasant way)

moral: try to identify people who are easily attached and defo don’t sleep with them unless you like them as much as they do


the story will go on..



  • the chain of texts

This is about texting etiquette. It is scary to text a whole bunch of long texts when the other people hasn’t replied yet. Please be noted this applies to early stage of dating only. I do not apply the same rules to friends and family. Personally, when I see someone texting me way too much, I would stop replying altogether and started ghosting.. I know. I am a fucking coward and afraid of confrontation. It is just too much.

So Lady X carried on with her chain of texting after I ghosted for days. She would expressed her passion and say thing like wishing I was there with her and that she could have sex with me right now. For me it was a full on horror show.


  • the too much informations

Some people are a open book, they share. It is always more fun to meet someone who talks about a little personal stuff. Shamefully enough, I was once a huge fan of gossip girl. Knowing its popularity, I am sure a lot of people were fans. I am not alone. So.. we gossip, we like gossip, but do we like oversharers? no! There’s a fine line between oversharing to a point I feel like you are treating me as a consultant and the right amount of spice to light up the feel between you two. Life is hard people, but try to keep deep emotional insecurities to serious relationship. That’s when it is ok to share


For some sexual proposals like the one Lady X did can be a bit much, but normally for me with people I am flirting with, I would be more than ok with that. So perhaps too much information also depends on mood and person hehe







on commence


My first post will be an introductory one


This site is a personal yet public journal of the emotional journey I have had since I started dating.


I only really started “dating” in my 20s, so this should be a fairly shallow and adolescent interpretation the dating world. I was in a long term college relationship before this. It was certainly an experience of a life time. I am certain in many ways, that relationship shaped me as who I am right now. There is no denying that it has had a significant impact on my love style. But then again, every encounter I had sort of changed me so…

This is exactly why I enjoy dating so much, the possibilities and thrill. Woo! It is somehow addictive for me (dark moon emoji)


I officially started using dating apps last year. And yes I said apps, plural form. Because why not? I am young. I am testing out the water. I am experimenting. I am getting to know more about myself through emotionally and or physically interacting with people. I have tried dating one person at a time and the alternative. Perhaps I would elaborate more on that in future posts. Meanwhile I just wanted to have a warm welcome of entering my daunting dating life 🙂



I will talk to you soon

